What The Hell Is Wrong With The Democrats?

What The Hell Is Wrong With The Democrats?
I was watching the Daily Show while catching up on my emails, when I saw the following:

1. Senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton say that the U.S. is “run like a plantation.”

2. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin call for rebuilding “a chocolate New Orleans.”

3. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi get booed off the stage for telling activists to direct their energy “electorally.”

I’m ready to throw in the towel for both political parties, but I can’t help but be amazed by the remarkable inability of the Democrats to take advantage of their enemies’ weaknesses.

They’re facing a President with record-low approval ratings. The Republicans’ top leaders are embroiled in a series of sleazy scandals. And yet they continue to go out of their way to demonstrate a complete and utter inability to settle on a coherent strategy and execute.

We might be tempted to look for other alternatives, but as Simpsons alien Kang notes:

Kang: It’s a two-party system. You have to vote for one of us!
Man: Well then, I believe I’ll vote for a third party!
Kang: Go ahead! Throw your vote away! Ahahahaha!

P.S. I apologize for my previous post describing Mayor Nagin as a passionate, heroic leader. Alas, the charges that he was grandstanding and exaggerating conditions within the Superdome appear to be spot on. Sheesh.

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