Don’t Take Your Loved Ones For Granted

Don’t Take Your Loved Ones For Granted
I’m all for long-term planning. I live my life based on playing the percentages for long-term gains. But it’s also important to realize how fragile our lives can be.

Since business school, two of my classmates and friends have discovered that their wives have cancer. They’re fighting the disease with all they’ve got, and I think that they will win, but their experience reinforces the way our lives can be turned upside down in an instant.

Or consider Sachi Gahan, who lost her husband earlier this year in a motorcycle accident.

Those of us who are lucky enough to win the life lottery (as Warren Buffett often says, just being born in the USA means you’ve won the lottery–now add in a privileged background, Ivy League education, and high-prestige career as an entrepreneur or VC) have a tendency to believe that we’re invincible and untouchable.

This is just a reminder that none of us are. The marathoner and athlete may be struck with cancer. The careful driver may end up in an accident. Life is precious. Your time with those you love is precious. Appreciate and make the most of it.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Take Your Loved Ones For Granted

  1. Anonymous

    Chris, I couldn’t agree with your observation more. Take good care, Sachi

  2. Anonymous

    Dont take for granted what you have today it could be gone tomorrow.

    Good quote related to this article!
    Very true, you cannot take loved ones for granted, one day they are here and the next they are gone.

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