When I Grow Up….

How can anyone know what they’ll want to be in the future?

When I was 8, I wanted to be a submarine designer.

When I was 12, I wanted to be a science fiction author.

When I was 16, I wanted a girlfriend (a goal that was hampered by the fact that I was already a sophomore at Stanford at the time, and that my taste ran to sexy 21-year-old seniors, making my objectives both unlikely and illegal).

When I was 21, I wanted to be a millionaire.

When I was 25, I wanted to take my company IPO.

Now that I’m 32, I want my kids to be happy, and to be able to take a nap when I’m tired.

Plans change. We change.

Originally posted as a comment on Ben’s blog.

1 thought on “When I Grow Up….

  1. Since I contacted you on AdvisorGarage I thought I should come and read your blog and learn more about you – 45 minutes later, I’ve found two things extremely interesting. 1. you like country music (which happens to be where I’ve spent a lot of time professionally) and 2. This post. Here’s mine.

    When I was 9 I wanted to be a professional speed skater (not on ice!)

    Between 12-17 I wanted to be a top martial artist.

    In between those years I wanted to be a professional bike rider, a Forbes 400 member, The next Donald Trump and Sam Walton rolled into one.

    By 21 I wanted to live on spring break and I did. (bad choice on my part, I would never suggest it as it sets you back years)

    As a result of my spring break years I needed to ‘claim’ I was doing something so I began to take music more seriously – I played more guitar and wrote songs till I knew the difference between good and bad. Eventually I could call myself a professional writer (though no real credits) as I wrote with Grammy winners and Dove award winners and was published by one the worlds largest music publishers.

    Age 27 I had the ‘idea’ I had wanted to have my entire life – like so many other things, it sits in a shelf.

    33 – I wanted to be a great dad and the best boyfriend.

    36 – I just want to provide for my family.

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