Death By Feeds

There are currently 3,308 unread posts sitting in my Bloglines account. Even at the lightning pace of 10 seconds per post, that would take me over 9 hours to read them all (assuming I didn’t go insane in the process).

Any suggestions as to what I should do? I’m sorely tempted to click that “Mark All Read” link!

4 thoughts on “Death By Feeds

  1. After a week in Taipei, “mark all as read” was what I had to resort to. It seems there will never be time enough to catch up. During the 9 hours you spend reading old posts, tons of new content will arrive.

    A friend was telling me about the notion of “email bankruptcy”. Messages keep piling up in your inbox. You realize you’re falling farther and farther behind in responding to people you should. In the end, the only way out is to send out a mass apology and promise to start fresh and reply promptly going forward. I’m not sure I buy that, but “feed bankruptcy” seems much more harmless.

  2. Email bankruptcy…I love it.

    I think I’ll be filing Chapter 11 on my feeds pretty soon.

  3. Sounds like it’s time for rehab: Overcoming News Addiction

    I belong there too…

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