3 steps to make your fight-or-flight reflex work for you, not against you

Here’s another great insight I took away from James Altucher’s book, “Choose Yourself”http://amzn.to/1b59su7 James points out that humans evolved the fight-or-flight reflex for a reason.  Stress helped our ancestors survive.  When stress hit, cortisol surges through our systems, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, making us ready to either strike out or run away. When … Continue reading 3 steps to make your fight-or-flight reflex work for you, not against you

Don’t Let Your Decisionmaking Bonk

The latest post from Scientific American says that exercising self-control can deplete your brain’s decisionmaking muscle. It turns out that resisting those chocolate-chip cookies or deciding which movie to see exhausts the same muscle that you use for making important decisions–the so-called “executive function”. If you tire out your executive function with petty tasks, it … Continue reading Don’t Let Your Decisionmaking Bonk

Should We Use Science To Take Away Rights?

I ran across this little doozy of an article about teen brain development: Neurological researchers around the country, spearheaded by Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health, have in recent years found that the brain is not fully developed until after 18. The brain system that regulates logic and reasoning develops before the … Continue reading Should We Use Science To Take Away Rights?