Email Product Ideas: Inbox100 and InboxNow

Random Product Idea #1: Inbox100.  It’s an email inbox where it has a hard upper limit of 100 messages.  Once you hit 100 messages, until you archive or delete some current messages, no new emails come in.  This forces you to deal with emails rather than allowing them to pile up.  And the instant you … Continue reading Email Product Ideas: Inbox100 and InboxNow

Why You Still Need To Talk On The Phone

The Wall Street Journal recently ran a piece on the decline of telephone usage among young professionals.  Their thesis (which actually has some data to back it up) is that young professionals approach the phone as a tool of last resort, behind email, chat, and texting: “Stephanie Shih, 27, says phone calls are an … Continue reading Why You Still Need To Talk On The Phone

Overcoming Email’s False Sense of Progress

Dan Ariely has a new book out where he discusses the psychology behind why we overinvest in email, to the detriment of more important priorities: “First, people have a really bad habit of coming in and checking e-mail first thing in the morning. And for many people, the morning is the most productive time. … Continue reading Overcoming Email’s False Sense of Progress

11% of people have emailed while having sex?

I’m addicted to email, but I’m not this bad:– 94 percent of those polled use phones to send e-mail or text messages during work nights or on weekends. – 80 percent never leave their cell phone at home while on vacation. – 11 percent sent e-mail messages while engaged in “intimate behavior.” – 40 percent … Continue reading 11% of people have emailed while having sex?