Learning Wisdom At The School of Hard Knocks

We believe that life experience confers wisdom.  Several of the most successful sales executives I know have told me that the most important thing they look for when interviewing job candidates is someone who has experienced a devastating blow…and recovered from it. What’s less clear is why this experience confers wisdom.  Is it the result … Continue reading Learning Wisdom At The School of Hard Knocks

The 5 Components of Wisdom

I’ve written about wisdom before, concluding “I consider the loss of certainty a sign of wisdom.” As it turns out, I’m not alone. Tucked away in an Economist article earlier this month were these nuggets of wisdom: “Psychologists consider [these the] five crucial aspects of wise reasoning: willingness to seek opportunities to resolve conflict; willingness … Continue reading The 5 Components of Wisdom

What Intelligence Tests Miss (is Wisdom)

When I ran across this passage from Keith E. Stanovich’s book, “What Intelligence Tests Miss“, I came to a full stop. Here are the mental dispositions he states as contributing to real world performance: “The tendency to collect information before making up one’s mind, the tendency to seek various points of view before coming to … Continue reading What Intelligence Tests Miss (is Wisdom)