People Never Completely Agree

Inexperienced entrepreneurs seem to believe that they need their team to agree.  “Get everyone on the same page,” is a common mantra I hear from teams I work with. The problem is, anyone who develops the expectations that all the members of a group (even a group of two) will completely agree about anything is … Continue reading People Never Completely Agree

Almost any idea (yes, including yours) can be improved by collaboration

I once worked with a very successful entrepreneur.  He had founded a company, taken it public, and made him and his shareholders hundreds of millions of dollars (the total wealth created was over a billion, but I don’t think any one entity ended up making 10 figures). He told me once about how his engineering … Continue reading Almost any idea (yes, including yours) can be improved by collaboration

Transparency is a Prerequisite of Collaboration

You hear about transparency all the time. “We’re in a new era of transparency.” “We live in a transparent society.” But I can’t help feeling that while transparency is all around us, when we ask about the benefits of transparency, we often get an opaque answer. Transparency is in danger of becoming yet another buzzword, … Continue reading Transparency is a Prerequisite of Collaboration