Why The Enterprise Lags Consumers In Adoption

Another brilliant insight from Rob Koplowitz of Forrester: “Everyone who uses a consumer product like Twitter is there voluntarily. And if they decide to drop out, it doesn’t impact anyone else. In the enterprise, Joe in accounting might not see a good reason to participate. Yet if his input is critical, your initiative won’t succeed … Continue reading Why The Enterprise Lags Consumers In Adoption

The True Way To Measure E2.0 ROI

As Enterprise 2.0 continues to evolve, the one question that continues to go unanswered is how to measure ROI. The question came up again today at an E2.0 “town hall” at the Enterprise 2.0 conference. My response wasn’t popular, but I think it’s worth repeating: If you can’t sell more, buy less, or fire somebody, … Continue reading The True Way To Measure E2.0 ROI

Is Enterprise 2.0 Just A Toy?

One of the things that bugs me about the current state of E2.0 is that even its advocates don’t seem to take it seriously. I just had a fantastic time at the E2.0 conference in Boston, but I noticed some worrying trends. I offer my thoughts in the spirit of tough love and constructive criticism, … Continue reading Is Enterprise 2.0 Just A Toy?