Grappling with mortality and meaning

I’m not certain what precisely led to my contemplating my death. Several of my good friends recently lost their fathers. I was also on an airplane flight, which, all statistics on safety aside, always makes me think of the Grim Reaper. Whatever the reason, I found myself at 35,000 feet, my eyes closed during the … Continue reading Grappling with mortality and meaning

In Memory of Dave Goldberg

1. I met Dave when I was raising money for Ustream back in 2007.  At that point, the founders had just launched the site, and it was growing like mad.  But without a clear revenue model for live streaming, we were operating the company on a shoestring.  The founders weren’t taking any salary, and the … Continue reading In Memory of Dave Goldberg

Life, Death, and Living

I was struck today by the juxtaposition of two different stories on two different, extremely successful people. On Sunday, Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon passed away at the age of 59.  Simon had been told that he had only months to live back in 2012, but he defied those odds, and lived long enough to give … Continue reading Life, Death, and Living

The Secret to Dying Well

On July 12, I attended the Silicon Valley Junto meeting on “dying well.” It was a particularly moving meeting, with attendees sharing incredibly personal experiences. Check out the meeting page to read some of what was shared. At the time, I argued against the romanticization of death and dying. Death, I told the attendees, didn’t … Continue reading The Secret to Dying Well